contact us

To contact us you can use the contact details on this page. We will respond shortly. If you want to reserve a room, please fill out this form Reservations.

Terracielo Guest House
Vico Seminario, 5
70043 – Monopoli (BA) – Italy

Tel. (+39) 320 6782093

Contact form

How to reach us

By plane: It is about 45 minutes from Bari Palese and Brindisi airports

By train: Monopoli has its own railway station, you can buy a train ticket in any railway station or online at Once in Monopoli, you can use taxi or shuttle services.

By car : Take “Autostrada A14″ heading South and exit at “Bari Nord”. Continue on “Tangenziale” heading to ”Brindisi – Lecce”. After about 45km, take the exit “Monopoli – Alberobello” and then follow the sings to “Centro”.

Terracielo Guest House
Via Vico Seminario, 5 Monopoli
Tel (+39) 320 6782093
P.I 07640850728

CIN TerraCielo Guest House IT072030B400024254


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